Daily RPS Challenge

You House Score
(Edit the code below, then press "Submit".)

The file you upload should be a Python file that looks something like this.
# Simple example bot, written in Python.

from skeleton.actions import RockAction, PaperAction, ScissorsAction
from skeleton.bot import Bot
from skeleton.runner import parse_args, run_bot

import random

class Player(Bot):
    # A bot for playing Rock-Paper-Scissors.

    def __init__(self):
        # Called when a new matchup starts. Called exactly once.
        self.my_profit = 0
        self.history = []

    def get_action(self, *, match_clock):
        # Called each time the engine needs an action from your bot.
        # Returns a RockAction(), PaperAction(), or ScissorsAction().
        return random.choice([RockAction(), PaperAction(), ScissorsAction()])

    def handle_results(self, *, my_action, their_action, my_payoff, match_clock):
        # Called after each round.
        self.history.append((my_action, their_action, my_payoff))
        self.my_profit += my_payoff

if __name__ == '__main__':
    run_bot(Player(), parse_args())